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Friday, November 21, 2008

What I Found These Days

What I found these days

All I need to know in this world is how to safeguard myself, make myself as comfortable as possible..... Ultimately “joy” is what we are searching. That is what we all are doing; only thing we differ is the way we approach.
The modern day wise people (we ourselves) are trying to be wise to question anything before they accept. That is very good.
But how much are we succeeding in finally getting our purpose of joy? We work for money; so that we will be happy with that, satisfy our needs. The basic joy is eating full stomach, sleeping with no tensions & satisfies our eyes, keep myself healthy & smiling.
But not many of us are getting this...... we are forgetting the purpose of our efforts.... I’ll show you how......
Its 7 0r 8 in the morning... I get my alarm shouting after suffering many snoozes. I get tensed looking at the clock... rush into
The bathroom & take a tensed bath, dress up &take out a bag ..............& out of the house, or if possible eat something in hurry so that my stomach does not call me when I am working. Work all the day for someone, not just works but, very hard sometimes. Get back home some time late in the night... & repeat the same every day.
For all the work we do ....we feel proud for enjoying the weekend.
But is that just?
Work for 5 days and enjoy 2 days? Is that the kind of joy we expect?
If we think.... & if we justify ourselves that... joy costs that much.
“Are we getting the right quality of joy?”
Definitely not.... it’s temporary....
So I must have something which lasts for ever & that’s what I am in search of, & I have found the way!!

Its a Ganesh Chaturti day, in the evening, I pass by a road I see a pendal & many chairs arranged under it, with a beautiful stage before it. The things that every body wise infer is...
1. Somebody has done this.
2. They have done this with a purpose
I am wise.... I question ' why do you infer this?'
I will be answered “because it has a system & it’s wise. The chairs are arranged, so, I can’t say they are there by themselves, nor that somebody has done with no purpose.”

So anything which we see with a system will be done by someone for some purpose.
Check out.... if some one asks me “how did this world evolve?”
-I have a scientific answer.....“There were very tiny particles called atoms, in space. By Newton's theory every particle has a gravitational force of attraction & due to that a particle attracted other and then this huge one, attracted similar particles... many similar reactions took place... when a suitable stage reached fusion reactions started . Then from that, similar things went on & our sun came and a planet called earth. Then unicellular organisms ... & then evolution took place & today we are here.
I absolutely have no question of this....that the theory of gravitation is true & we are able to do many things based on that, including the chandrayaan-1.
Look at the world once.... look at the system in this...... its tremendous.... marvelous!!!! There is a system very small..... Like I breathe out CO2, plants O2. I take in what it gives & it what I do. There is very huge system “human body”..... How wonderful it is... I take in food it’s turned to blood.... energy etc. from the food my mom took, my body was created, and from the food I take in, it’s growing..... With the food I take in I can do anything.... the food makes me think! Wish! Sad! Happy!
The blood is so wisely done that no scientist even today is able to produce a drop of blood. No one is able to create life! Though I have a body... I can’t make it live.... in spite of using all my wits!
Look at the system here.... a message from one dendrite to the next
Axon passes in 10 to the power of -27 seconds!!! From any part of body to brain and brain to it back!
So I have to accept that it’s not just a system but indeed a great system!!
When we infer a person & purpose behind a very small system...we definitely have to infer the same to this world!!!
The modern day scientists believe it to be energy.
But I am convinced that energy cannot create everything we have....
Not love, joy, sadness, knowledge, thoughts.....
If you still agree to all, to be “forms of energy” how about life?
Still if you agree it to be a form of energy........
My question - “is energy wise to obey laws?”
Definitely not!
It is just like a mob..... If governed by non it has no system.
If we think......... we can infer that it has to be made to obey law. If a ball up in the sky falls down ... it’s due to gravity... so its making it obey law. But then how does that gravity attract?
Energy???? Of course........ It is a wise energy right??

So finally concluding on this, “god exists”... because a wise thing (world with great system) cant happen, it has to be done.... & if there is wit behind ....a purpose also exists.

How ever tired we are....... if we sleep & get up we feel relaxed... something has happened during my sleep! I have not done that! I was sleeping!
“I” did not sleep.......... but someone made me do..... Because all I can do is just lying down.... close my eyes....that all! But that not sleeping! Because I am myself terming them as lying down, closing eyes etc...... If “lying down” is sleeping we must not say “I was lying down for a long time but I did not get sleep...”
After closing eyes someone gets into action.
Even if I close my eyes ... I can see! Feel! Live..... In the dreams!! its just like a movie.... just as a movie will be shot & produced out by some one ...even this must have somebody doing it!!! How can I watch a movie which is shot by nobody?????
After all I did not expect the dreams.....

Even when we are awake, somebody other than us is behind
Our actions... I'll show you how...
When we walk we just walk... but what exactly happens?
It is that I make the wish to walk....& the wish transfers to the brain & the brain orders to lift the leg... then the cells in the leg region receive the message....lift the leg up....then sends back the message
To the brain that the leg is lifted then again the brain asks the leg to move forward then the leg tells back that it has moved, and then the brain sends a message to keep it down.
This is how we move a step..... Imagine walking for a kilometer!!!
If I am doing this, I must know each step to happen, they should happen at my will... do they??...sometimes we can imagine some steps to happen, if we have learnt science.... but how does a child or an animal know all these things?? Then, don't they do any actions??
My heart beats 70 times a minute.... how many times have I done that?? I breathe.... how many times have I done that??? Do I digest my food? How many times we have done that? Once? Twice? Thrice? no... I am not doing all... I am not...
Imagine me walking on my own..... I am standing on the track of a Mumbai local train.... train comes suddenly... meeting starts in my leg whether to send message to brain or not! When will I move??
Things happen out of my control & I will be moved aside... “I will be saved”.
I am just staying in this body with god. He is doing all these things... it’s for sure. But why are we not thinking of all these things?? Why don't we accept god?? Please do answer for this.......
So I am convinced that god exists and the purpose for the world is not what we think, it is...


( For We The People)