A few Of our Older posts to kindle the fire in YOU
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Anti-Cracker Campaign
"Stop or reduce quantum of bursting crackers" 
Diwali is round the corner and people must be busy shopping for clothes, sweets, candles, diyas and other puja materials at a feverish pace. But the shopping list also include crackers. This is a point to ponder for our public, which should be made aware of the ill-effects of bursting crackers during a festival associated with joy, peace and prosperity.
Though there are many NGOs,TV campaign,Schools, thriving hard to Educate the Children,yet Many People ignore the aftermaths of bursting crackers.Every Year people buy crackers worth 700 crores.And secondly Cracker Manufacturing involves child Labour,which effectively means we could have built 100 Primary schools!
We are not totally against bursting crackers.But there are few regulations,to be followed strictly!.Unfortunately "We" dont bother..:(
Order of Hounarable Supreme Court
1)Banned the manufacture of any cracker, which emits sound of 120 decibels and above, the sound made by a jet taking off five feet away.
2)The order asked manufacturers to print details of chemical composition of the crackers as well as the date of manufacture
3)Ban on Child-Labour
The sound levels of Different Crackers were recorded:
Atom Bomb - 144.9db
Serial Cracker - 142db
Thunderbolt - 140db
Kingfisher Shell - 141db
Hydro Bomb - 122db (Source: NDTV)
Also,Medical experts say that high decibel levels can cause hearing damage, which can be permanent. It can also lead to an Increase in the blood pressure and cause seizures and convulsions in young children and the elderly.
Do we really bother while buyin the crackers? But we certainly do while Buying Medicine!
Finally...Diwali should not be associated with crackers. It should be celebrated with sweets, lights and colour. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for the country and donate money towards some social cause instead of wasting it on crackers.
Wishing you all Happy and Safe Deepavali
Sudheer Keshav

Diwali is round the corner and people must be busy shopping for clothes, sweets, candles, diyas and other puja materials at a feverish pace. But the shopping list also include crackers. This is a point to ponder for our public, which should be made aware of the ill-effects of bursting crackers during a festival associated with joy, peace and prosperity.
Though there are many NGOs,TV campaign,Schools, thriving hard to Educate the Children,yet Many People ignore the aftermaths of bursting crackers.Every Year people buy crackers worth 700 crores.And secondly Cracker Manufacturing involves child Labour,which effectively means we could have built 100 Primary schools!
We are not totally against bursting crackers.But there are few regulations,to be followed strictly!.Unfortunately "We" dont bother..:(
Order of Hounarable Supreme Court
1)Banned the manufacture of any cracker, which emits sound of 120 decibels and above, the sound made by a jet taking off five feet away.
2)The order asked manufacturers to print details of chemical composition of the crackers as well as the date of manufacture
3)Ban on Child-Labour
The sound levels of Different Crackers were recorded:
Atom Bomb - 144.9db
Serial Cracker - 142db
Thunderbolt - 140db
Kingfisher Shell - 141db
Hydro Bomb - 122db (Source: NDTV)
Also,Medical experts say that high decibel levels can cause hearing damage, which can be permanent. It can also lead to an Increase in the blood pressure and cause seizures and convulsions in young children and the elderly.
Do we really bother while buyin the crackers? But we certainly do while Buying Medicine!
Finally...Diwali should not be associated with crackers. It should be celebrated with sweets, lights and colour. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for the country and donate money towards some social cause instead of wasting it on crackers.
Wishing you all Happy and Safe Deepavali
Sudheer Keshav
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A Word...
I was sitting on a sea shore. Many waves came down & went away just like that. I thought, “Even my life is like this, it is ‘born’ now and ‘dead’ the next moment.
What is the meaning of my life??
I can’t say anything! I have no answer.
Now I started to think, how can I make my life meaningful?
My life is a wave….ok. Now I want to make it special. If I want to make a ripple in a bowl special, it must be strong, in the sense, the stone I throw must be thrown strongly. Now coming to my life, which is the point where I can make my life strong?
The answer is obvious, the point is ‘young age’. Ok now I know, I have to do something, what shall I do??
Now if I think what have I taken, or what has the nature given to me, I get the answer in thousands. I cut the trees and built my ‘sweet’ home, used ‘fast’ vehicles and polluted the air as much as I could. Polluted everything I saw, as if I created them.
Nature has given me all the things to live. It has given food, cloths, shelter, air, water, beauty and most importantly ‘LIFE’.
But what have I given to the nature?
Well, if I ask this question finding an answer to this question will be a mysterious adventure, and I can say “I have given nothing”. It’s an embarrassment that we do not feel embarrassed to say this but feel proud instead.
Come on man this is not the way u do. When u have taken something from someone, you give something else to them. That’s why we are called humans. That is called humanity and it’s the identity of mankind.
Now I am clear, I have to give something to the ‘NATURE”.
But nature is too big, my contribution is of no matter. It’s ‘too big’.
I have an idea we can contribute to our nation. It’s in our reach.
So, lets work for our nature and so our nation and finish our duty, and repay our debt to Mother Earth, Mother India.
Lakshmeesha.K (for We The People)
We The People Thanks Lakshmeesha K contribution to the Blog.We also request All other Readers to Pitch in with their Ideas and Suggestions.
I was sitting on a sea shore. Many waves came down & went away just like that. I thought, “Even my life is like this, it is ‘born’ now and ‘dead’ the next moment.
What is the meaning of my life??
I can’t say anything! I have no answer.
Now I started to think, how can I make my life meaningful?
My life is a wave….ok. Now I want to make it special. If I want to make a ripple in a bowl special, it must be strong, in the sense, the stone I throw must be thrown strongly. Now coming to my life, which is the point where I can make my life strong?
The answer is obvious, the point is ‘young age’. Ok now I know, I have to do something, what shall I do??
Now if I think what have I taken, or what has the nature given to me, I get the answer in thousands. I cut the trees and built my ‘sweet’ home, used ‘fast’ vehicles and polluted the air as much as I could. Polluted everything I saw, as if I created them.
Nature has given me all the things to live. It has given food, cloths, shelter, air, water, beauty and most importantly ‘LIFE’.
But what have I given to the nature?
Well, if I ask this question finding an answer to this question will be a mysterious adventure, and I can say “I have given nothing”. It’s an embarrassment that we do not feel embarrassed to say this but feel proud instead.
Come on man this is not the way u do. When u have taken something from someone, you give something else to them. That’s why we are called humans. That is called humanity and it’s the identity of mankind.
Now I am clear, I have to give something to the ‘NATURE”.
But nature is too big, my contribution is of no matter. It’s ‘too big’.
I have an idea we can contribute to our nation. It’s in our reach.
So, lets work for our nature and so our nation and finish our duty, and repay our debt to Mother Earth, Mother India.
Lakshmeesha.K (for We The People)
We The People Thanks Lakshmeesha K contribution to the Blog.We also request All other Readers to Pitch in with their Ideas and Suggestions.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Lane Discipline...What???

Wow we guys are all such talented riders and drivers !! Cheers to us for driving so well and making Bangalore traffic so easy to drive with. Now what is this Lane ? which we stress upon so much and why do we need it ? ?
Let us come to practicality, imagine a scenario where we all live in !! BANGALORE
Whats the advantages of driving in lanes ?
1. Saves TIME which is the most important factor while automobile or else we all could have gone walking
2. Saves FUEL, when we drive in lanes we don’t need to use the clutches/ brakes often.
3. Driving becomes much easier, I mean hassle free.
But coming back to Bangalore, where lanes are not specified, the driver needs to auto judge himself as to where he intends to drive/ride.
Wheres the LANE???

The problem with Bangalore is that the roads are narrow at most of the places making the drivers to follow irregular lanes. But this cannot be an excuse for not driving properly.
Another issue is that the lanes are not clearly marked in most of the roads which cause haphazard lane changing of vehicles. So again here too we have to be a self judge and not change lanes to find that our Car gets Kissed by another vehicle.
After a simple survey of most of the roads, we came to the conclusion that most of the Bangalore roads lie between the range of 40ft-25ft.
Me and my friend Ramanu drafted this simple idea of driving in lanes in Bangalore successfully. We think this would satify most of the problems that all face.

Click on the Photo for better viewing
The Problem
NO LANE DISCIPLINE which causes GREAT Driving Problems !!
What the People need to do ??
2 Wheelers : DON’T Overtake cars from the right. Stay as far as possible on the left side of the road ( NUGGUSBEDI ). Just because you are the proud owner of a 2 wheeler don’t just sneak into any gap wherever u get. Have some concern for others when you ride your bike.
4 Wheelers: Drive as far as possible on the right extreme of the road. Only if the road is wide enough to make 2 lanes for cars and other 4 wheelers. Don’t overtake 2 wheelers from the left side !! A lot of motorists do this. Don’t change lanes unnecessarily, unless u have to take a left or a right turn, Use appropriate indicators wherever necessary to change lanes
Remember Murphy’s Law of lane Change
“ if u change your lane while driving, the lane you left will move faster than the one you are in !! “
Auto Rick’s : You guys are a major backbone of transport in Bangalore, Neevu Nuggusbedi !! follow your lane of either the right most corner or the left most corner of the road, so that u guys are also not disturbed when driving.
Buses: A usual trend in bus stands is that the bus coming behind overtakes the bus already standing in the bus stand, to hinder his path. Follow First IN First OUT policy, it makes the traffic look neat and move neat.
Trucks and Other Vehicles: Don’t show your muscle to Cars and other vehicles. The main purpose of having transport vehicles is to move goods not scare away other vehicles. Pls ensure all the indicators are in working condition.
What the Government needs to do ??
This time it’s the people who have to take the initiative to drive in a disciplined manner but the Govt has to also play its part In making this a success
This was what the Govt Promised to do !

But as usual the Govt has failed.
Some other small steps what the govt can ensure:
1. Draw Appropriate lanes On roads using Reflective Stickers
2. Accurately knock down illegal prop. Protruding in the roads and make roads uniform in width.
3. making the Left half of the road more even by filling up all the Dug up Potholes by water dept/ Telephones etc, so that the 2 wheelers do not use the left lanes]
4. Banking newly laid roads properly so that there’s no waterlogging and vehicles resort to use only one lane of the road.
5. Making Strict rules of having Trucks/ Lorries having timings for entering/ leaving particular places.
6. Providing more “ Change Lanes” sign boards at wider roads.
Last But not the Least “ Please give us proper roads …. Or else we would not have fought this way for only one half of the proper road “
Final Word: This Simple problem of lane discipline is very easy to follow
When these ants can do it we humans can definitely do it !!

It’s a collective effort from both the ends, from the citizens and the Govt too, but the Citizens have to play a much greater role in this particular aspect.
Sudheer & Ramanujan!!

Wow we guys are all such talented riders and drivers !! Cheers to us for driving so well and making Bangalore traffic so easy to drive with. Now what is this Lane ? which we stress upon so much and why do we need it ? ?
Let us come to practicality, imagine a scenario where we all live in !! BANGALORE
Whats the advantages of driving in lanes ?
1. Saves TIME which is the most important factor while automobile or else we all could have gone walking
2. Saves FUEL, when we drive in lanes we don’t need to use the clutches/ brakes often.
3. Driving becomes much easier, I mean hassle free.
But coming back to Bangalore, where lanes are not specified, the driver needs to auto judge himself as to where he intends to drive/ride.
Wheres the LANE???

The problem with Bangalore is that the roads are narrow at most of the places making the drivers to follow irregular lanes. But this cannot be an excuse for not driving properly.
Another issue is that the lanes are not clearly marked in most of the roads which cause haphazard lane changing of vehicles. So again here too we have to be a self judge and not change lanes to find that our Car gets Kissed by another vehicle.
After a simple survey of most of the roads, we came to the conclusion that most of the Bangalore roads lie between the range of 40ft-25ft.
Me and my friend Ramanu drafted this simple idea of driving in lanes in Bangalore successfully. We think this would satify most of the problems that all face.
Click on the Photo for better viewing
The Problem
NO LANE DISCIPLINE which causes GREAT Driving Problems !!
What the People need to do ??
2 Wheelers : DON’T Overtake cars from the right. Stay as far as possible on the left side of the road ( NUGGUSBEDI ). Just because you are the proud owner of a 2 wheeler don’t just sneak into any gap wherever u get. Have some concern for others when you ride your bike.
4 Wheelers: Drive as far as possible on the right extreme of the road. Only if the road is wide enough to make 2 lanes for cars and other 4 wheelers. Don’t overtake 2 wheelers from the left side !! A lot of motorists do this. Don’t change lanes unnecessarily, unless u have to take a left or a right turn, Use appropriate indicators wherever necessary to change lanes
Remember Murphy’s Law of lane Change
“ if u change your lane while driving, the lane you left will move faster than the one you are in !! “
Auto Rick’s : You guys are a major backbone of transport in Bangalore, Neevu Nuggusbedi !! follow your lane of either the right most corner or the left most corner of the road, so that u guys are also not disturbed when driving.
Buses: A usual trend in bus stands is that the bus coming behind overtakes the bus already standing in the bus stand, to hinder his path. Follow First IN First OUT policy, it makes the traffic look neat and move neat.
Trucks and Other Vehicles: Don’t show your muscle to Cars and other vehicles. The main purpose of having transport vehicles is to move goods not scare away other vehicles. Pls ensure all the indicators are in working condition.
What the Government needs to do ??
This time it’s the people who have to take the initiative to drive in a disciplined manner but the Govt has to also play its part In making this a success
This was what the Govt Promised to do !

But as usual the Govt has failed.
Some other small steps what the govt can ensure:
1. Draw Appropriate lanes On roads using Reflective Stickers
2. Accurately knock down illegal prop. Protruding in the roads and make roads uniform in width.
3. making the Left half of the road more even by filling up all the Dug up Potholes by water dept/ Telephones etc, so that the 2 wheelers do not use the left lanes]
4. Banking newly laid roads properly so that there’s no waterlogging and vehicles resort to use only one lane of the road.
5. Making Strict rules of having Trucks/ Lorries having timings for entering/ leaving particular places.
6. Providing more “ Change Lanes” sign boards at wider roads.
Last But not the Least “ Please give us proper roads …. Or else we would not have fought this way for only one half of the proper road “
Final Word: This Simple problem of lane discipline is very easy to follow
When these ants can do it we humans can definitely do it !!
It’s a collective effort from both the ends, from the citizens and the Govt too, but the Citizens have to play a much greater role in this particular aspect.
Sudheer & Ramanujan!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
The six fundamental rights in India are
1. Right to equality
2. Right to freedom
3. Right against exploitation
4. Right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and educational rights
6. Right to constitutional remedies
But people forget to mention one most important fundamental right which they use so very often
“Right to Spit “

Photo Taken from Hindusthan Times-Dated 11/09/2007 Mumbai Edition
More PICS to be uploaded....
Spitting upon another person, especially onto their face, is a universal sign of anger, hatred or contempt. It is possible to transmit infectious diseases in this way.In London, transport workers who deal with the public have recently been given equipment to collect saliva when they are spat upon by irate passengers. The police can then analyse the DNA of the offender.It is normally considered rude, and a social taboo. It is sometimes considered a competitive and fun activity amongst youths.
But wait....
We don’t stay in any of these countries, we stay in India where spitting might be inculcated by anyone just because the “ snake god “ spits , hence I spit !!
The problem – very obvious spitting
and not just spitting , spitting here and there all places, not seeing it might just hit anyone’s head, true Russel’s Viper Style spitting. And we feel very happy after spitting as if we achieved a great feat in life.
The solution to this : very simple don’t spit
But that’s useless, we all still spit don’t we ?
So what we have to do ?
Control our spit. “Stop eating Gutkhas and Pan masalas “ which further bring in a tendancy to spit and cause more diseases like mouth cancer. Only if u have a mouth then arises the prob of spitting. Eating all these Gutkhas will ensure ur mouth will have cancer shortly and u cannot spit. Hence Gutkha baba Zindabad !!
Another simple solution is look for places where u can ideally spit without causing any harm to anyone. In a side or some place away from easy access. Now that does not mean we start spitting around on walls and corners making them dirty.
Spitting is even a great talent. Don’t waste such good talent in India. There are some places whereby spitting is a competitive sport, with or without a projectile in the mouth.
For example, there is a Guinness World Record for cherry pit spitting, and there are world championships in Kudu dung spitting.
What the Government has to do about spitting ?
The government has to spit out some serious action against the spitters. They need to impose a ban of atleast Rs 1000 on the cobras so that they stop spitting in public. If not atleast that they must install use and throw paper bins which can collect all this venom and burn it off at some unmanned location.
Final word : Not spitting is really a great thing the citizens do for the country. And for all the spitters who spit pan masala and other super stuff, pls continue to do that, Atleast this way let india’s population reduce !! thank u
Sudheer & Ramanujan !!!
The six fundamental rights in India are
1. Right to equality
2. Right to freedom
3. Right against exploitation
4. Right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and educational rights
6. Right to constitutional remedies
But people forget to mention one most important fundamental right which they use so very often
“Right to Spit “
Photo Taken from Hindusthan Times-Dated 11/09/2007 Mumbai Edition
More PICS to be uploaded....
Spitting upon another person, especially onto their face, is a universal sign of anger, hatred or contempt. It is possible to transmit infectious diseases in this way.In London, transport workers who deal with the public have recently been given equipment to collect saliva when they are spat upon by irate passengers. The police can then analyse the DNA of the offender.It is normally considered rude, and a social taboo. It is sometimes considered a competitive and fun activity amongst youths.
But wait....
We don’t stay in any of these countries, we stay in India where spitting might be inculcated by anyone just because the “ snake god “ spits , hence I spit !!
The problem – very obvious spitting
and not just spitting , spitting here and there all places, not seeing it might just hit anyone’s head, true Russel’s Viper Style spitting. And we feel very happy after spitting as if we achieved a great feat in life.
The solution to this : very simple don’t spit
But that’s useless, we all still spit don’t we ?
So what we have to do ?
Control our spit. “Stop eating Gutkhas and Pan masalas “ which further bring in a tendancy to spit and cause more diseases like mouth cancer. Only if u have a mouth then arises the prob of spitting. Eating all these Gutkhas will ensure ur mouth will have cancer shortly and u cannot spit. Hence Gutkha baba Zindabad !!
Another simple solution is look for places where u can ideally spit without causing any harm to anyone. In a side or some place away from easy access. Now that does not mean we start spitting around on walls and corners making them dirty.
Spitting is even a great talent. Don’t waste such good talent in India. There are some places whereby spitting is a competitive sport, with or without a projectile in the mouth.
For example, there is a Guinness World Record for cherry pit spitting, and there are world championships in Kudu dung spitting.
What the Government has to do about spitting ?
The government has to spit out some serious action against the spitters. They need to impose a ban of atleast Rs 1000 on the cobras so that they stop spitting in public. If not atleast that they must install use and throw paper bins which can collect all this venom and burn it off at some unmanned location.
Final word : Not spitting is really a great thing the citizens do for the country. And for all the spitters who spit pan masala and other super stuff, pls continue to do that, Atleast this way let india’s population reduce !! thank u
Sudheer & Ramanujan !!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
No parking means a place or a road reserved for only movement of traffic and not any vehicle to stop completely.
The formal meaning goes this way
NO PARKING: This sign is erected where parking is not allowed but vehicles can stop for short duration to allow passengers to get into or get out of the vehicle. The sign should be accompanied by suitable kerb or carriageway markings.
An Addition to this symbol is the NO PARKING OR STANDING symbol.
Lets Define It
NO PARKING OR STANDING: This sign is erected where vehicles are prohibited to stop even temporarily.
Now lets add some colour to the blog . Defining Picture of the week !!
Place taken : Jayanagar 4th block Opp RV Dental College, Bus Stand
Time: 5:30 in the evening
The Picture says it all . What else can we say. If our lawful police was doing its duty this vehicle should have been right away in the nearest police station which is about 100 yards away. But unfortunately which was not done so. Instead they pick 2 wheelers which do not occupy space as much as these big vehicles .
THE PROBLEM : Lack of parking space, Parking Congestion
Time for some GYAAN on parking
There are 2 kinds of parking for cars
a) Horizontal Parking : Parking your cars horizontally or Angularly as we usually do it. This kind of parking is mainly useful when there’s less space for parking but the roads are wide enough to take the length of the car.
b) Vertical Parking: Parking your cars one behind the other is an example for vertical parking, Although this occupies more space when parking. We use
Please note that u need more practice with driving to park your cars vertically rather than parking them horizontally.
What Parking Strategy can u employ for bikes ? ? ?
Well if you people were thinking that it what would be the ideal ideas to park a bike? The solution is really simple
Park your bikes on main stands in crowded places .
Are u thinking how this is going to work ? ?
An ideal bike takes just about 2 feet in width to park. But so called smart people always flamboyantly try to park it on their side stands which occupies 2.6 feet to park. If the parking space length is about 20 feet, only 7 bikes can be parked on side stand where as 10 bikes on main stand !!
What should the Citizens Do ??
Respect the “ No Parking” Signs more and abide them.
An alternative for them would be that they should park their cars a few yards away from their destination and walk till the destination which would result in some steps towards parking decongestion.
Respect the style of parking. Follow the order of parking If the parking is either vertical or horizontal meaning not to change the order in which it is parked.
What the Government can Do ? ?
Build more Multilevel Parking Spaces. Saying this is so easy. But implementing this is really tough. The Govt has to implement it only on new constructions. But to do it our Govt has to take sound advice from designers all over Europe where this plan is implemented excellently.Temporarily allocate Litigated land for parking in major busy junctions, so that the traffic and the parking scenario gets eased a little bit. The Govt gets a lot of parking revenue from vehicles every year which goes unaccounted. This unaccounted money can be diverted into an Accounted channel this way. With the renewal of insurance of vehicles each year they must have a fixed parking charge associated with the vehicle each year and collect it with the insurance when it is paid.
With this model, the, Govt is also saved of getting huge money cheated, which can be used for the betterment of the current state of affairs.With this We would like to conclude this week’s Problem of dealing with “ No Parking” .
Hope we find a better solution with more ideas from the readers’ end too.
Sudheer & Ramanujan
Saturday, September 1, 2007
What " WE THE PEOPLE " is about
Hello Friends and fellow readers,
Let me introduce myself and my friend to you all. I am Ramanujan & my friend helping me with this initiative is Sudheer. We have succeeded in our technical acumen as engineers. As frustrated citizens of Bangalore we decided to start this hoping that it would help the city/state/nation.
With this blog what we would like to do is to create Awareness & Discipline in people for small deeds of theirs' which causes either an inconvenience to others or damages public property, or against their own hygiene.
These deeds are knowingly or unknowingly done by all of us, but its upto us to correct/rectify them. A simple example of this is Spitting or Urinating in Public Places........ Lots more of such small things to come.
The Simple way that we adopt with this blog is a Question and answer method or a Problem and Solution Method,with the problem we will provide an evidence each week with the related problem.
Every week we will deal with an issue related to such simple problems where even U Readers could give us more suggestions and the other users by following these could implement them in their everyday life.
The readers could also pitch in with evidence too .
Finally pls ask this question to yourself " what you did for the country and not what the country did for you ", so that we make it a better place for all to live in.
Ramanujan & Sudheer
Let me introduce myself and my friend to you all. I am Ramanujan & my friend helping me with this initiative is Sudheer. We have succeeded in our technical acumen as engineers. As frustrated citizens of Bangalore we decided to start this hoping that it would help the city/state/nation.
With this blog what we would like to do is to create Awareness & Discipline in people for small deeds of theirs' which causes either an inconvenience to others or damages public property, or against their own hygiene.
These deeds are knowingly or unknowingly done by all of us, but its upto us to correct/rectify them. A simple example of this is Spitting or Urinating in Public Places........ Lots more of such small things to come.
The Simple way that we adopt with this blog is a Question and answer method or a Problem and Solution Method,with the problem we will provide an evidence each week with the related problem.
Every week we will deal with an issue related to such simple problems where even U Readers could give us more suggestions and the other users by following these could implement them in their everyday life.
The readers could also pitch in with evidence too .
Finally pls ask this question to yourself " what you did for the country and not what the country did for you ", so that we make it a better place for all to live in.
Ramanujan & Sudheer
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