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Friday, September 14, 2007



The six fundamental rights in India are
1. Right to equality
2. Right to freedom
3. Right against exploitation
4. Right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and educational rights
6. Right to constitutional remedies
But people forget to mention one most important fundamental right which they use so very often

“Right to Spit “

Photo Taken from Hindusthan Times-Dated 11/09/2007 Mumbai Edition
More PICS to be uploaded....

Spitting upon another person, especially onto their face, is a universal sign of anger, hatred or contempt. It is possible to transmit infectious diseases in this way.In London, transport workers who deal with the public have recently been given equipment to collect saliva when they are spat upon by irate passengers. The police can then analyse the DNA of the offender.It is normally considered rude, and a social taboo. It is sometimes considered a competitive and fun activity amongst youths.

But wait....

We don’t stay in any of these countries, we stay in India where spitting might be inculcated by anyone just because the “ snake god “ spits , hence I spit !!

The problem – very obvious spitting
and not just spitting , spitting here and there all places, not seeing it might just hit anyone’s head, true Russel’s Viper Style spitting. And we feel very happy after spitting as if we achieved a great feat in life.

The solution to this : very simple don’t spit

But that’s useless, we all still spit don’t we ?

So what we have to do ?

Control our spit. “Stop eating Gutkhas and Pan masalas “ which further bring in a tendancy to spit and cause more diseases like mouth cancer. Only if u have a mouth then arises the prob of spitting. Eating all these Gutkhas will ensure ur mouth will have cancer shortly and u cannot spit. Hence Gutkha baba Zindabad !!
Another simple solution is look for places where u can ideally spit without causing any harm to anyone. In a side or some place away from easy access. Now that does not mean we start spitting around on walls and corners making them dirty.
Spitting is even a great talent. Don’t waste such good talent in India. There are some places whereby spitting is a competitive sport, with or without a projectile in the mouth.
For example, there is a Guinness World Record for cherry pit spitting, and there are world championships in Kudu dung spitting.

What the Government has to do about spitting ?

The government has to spit out some serious action against the spitters. They need to impose a ban of atleast Rs 1000 on the cobras so that they stop spitting in public. If not atleast that they must install use and throw paper bins which can collect all this venom and burn it off at some unmanned location.

Final word : Not spitting is really a great thing the citizens do for the country. And for all the spitters who spit pan masala and other super stuff, pls continue to do that, Atleast this way let india’s population reduce !! thank u


Sudheer & Ramanujan !!!