Wow we guys are all such talented riders and drivers !! Cheers to us for driving so well and making Bangalore traffic so easy to drive with. Now what is this Lane ? which we stress upon so much and why do we need it ? ?
Let us come to practicality, imagine a scenario where we all live in !! BANGALORE
Whats the advantages of driving in lanes ?
1. Saves TIME which is the most important factor while automobile or else we all could have gone walking
2. Saves FUEL, when we drive in lanes we don’t need to use the clutches/ brakes often.
3. Driving becomes much easier, I mean hassle free.
But coming back to Bangalore, where lanes are not specified, the driver needs to auto judge himself as to where he intends to drive/ride.
Wheres the LANE???

The problem with Bangalore is that the roads are narrow at most of the places making the drivers to follow irregular lanes. But this cannot be an excuse for not driving properly.
Another issue is that the lanes are not clearly marked in most of the roads which cause haphazard lane changing of vehicles. So again here too we have to be a self judge and not change lanes to find that our Car gets Kissed by another vehicle.
After a simple survey of most of the roads, we came to the conclusion that most of the Bangalore roads lie between the range of 40ft-25ft.
Me and my friend Ramanu drafted this simple idea of driving in lanes in Bangalore successfully. We think this would satify most of the problems that all face.
Click on the Photo for better viewing
The Problem
NO LANE DISCIPLINE which causes GREAT Driving Problems !!
What the People need to do ??
2 Wheelers : DON’T Overtake cars from the right. Stay as far as possible on the left side of the road ( NUGGUSBEDI ). Just because you are the proud owner of a 2 wheeler don’t just sneak into any gap wherever u get. Have some concern for others when you ride your bike.
4 Wheelers: Drive as far as possible on the right extreme of the road. Only if the road is wide enough to make 2 lanes for cars and other 4 wheelers. Don’t overtake 2 wheelers from the left side !! A lot of motorists do this. Don’t change lanes unnecessarily, unless u have to take a left or a right turn, Use appropriate indicators wherever necessary to change lanes
Remember Murphy’s Law of lane Change
“ if u change your lane while driving, the lane you left will move faster than the one you are in !! “
Auto Rick’s : You guys are a major backbone of transport in Bangalore, Neevu Nuggusbedi !! follow your lane of either the right most corner or the left most corner of the road, so that u guys are also not disturbed when driving.
Buses: A usual trend in bus stands is that the bus coming behind overtakes the bus already standing in the bus stand, to hinder his path. Follow First IN First OUT policy, it makes the traffic look neat and move neat.
Trucks and Other Vehicles: Don’t show your muscle to Cars and other vehicles. The main purpose of having transport vehicles is to move goods not scare away other vehicles. Pls ensure all the indicators are in working condition.
What the Government needs to do ??
This time it’s the people who have to take the initiative to drive in a disciplined manner but the Govt has to also play its part In making this a success
This was what the Govt Promised to do !

But as usual the Govt has failed.
Some other small steps what the govt can ensure:
1. Draw Appropriate lanes On roads using Reflective Stickers
2. Accurately knock down illegal prop. Protruding in the roads and make roads uniform in width.
3. making the Left half of the road more even by filling up all the Dug up Potholes by water dept/ Telephones etc, so that the 2 wheelers do not use the left lanes]
4. Banking newly laid roads properly so that there’s no waterlogging and vehicles resort to use only one lane of the road.
5. Making Strict rules of having Trucks/ Lorries having timings for entering/ leaving particular places.
6. Providing more “ Change Lanes” sign boards at wider roads.
Last But not the Least “ Please give us proper roads …. Or else we would not have fought this way for only one half of the proper road “
Final Word: This Simple problem of lane discipline is very easy to follow
When these ants can do it we humans can definitely do it !!
It’s a collective effort from both the ends, from the citizens and the Govt too, but the Citizens have to play a much greater role in this particular aspect.
Sudheer & Ramanujan!!